New Delhi, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia’s troubles may increase. The CBI is going to make Dinesh Arora, an accused in the alleged scam case in the Arvind Kejriwal government’s new liquor policy, a government witness. The CBI has also made Sisodia an accused in this case and he was questioned in this connection recently. On August 19, the CBI had conducted raids against him and some other accused. Recently Dinesh Arora got anticipatory bail in this case.
The CBI filed a petition in the Rouse Avenue Court for Arora to become a government witness. Special CBI Judge MK Nagpal has heard it. During the hearing, accused Dinesh Arora was also present in the courtroom. Arora said- Application was made on my behalf by my lawyer RK Thakur on November 1, 2022. I am ready to become a government witness of my own free will. Dinesh Arora’s statement will be recorded on November 14.
The accused Dinesh Arora said in the court- I will put all the facts related to this matter before the court. I will also tell the truth about my role in the context of the allegations against me in this case. I have been cooperating with the investigation as well and will continue to do so. Arora said- I have given some statement before the investigating officer. I have also given the confession statement in the court of ACMM.
The accused in the liquor scam include Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, the then Excise Commissioner Arva Gopi Krishna, Deputy Commissioner Anand Tiwari and Assistant Commissioner Pankaj Bhatnagar along with several businessmen. However, the court asked Dinesh Arora whether there was any pressure on him or there was no threat from the CBI. To this, Arora said that he was voluntarily becoming a government witness. He is ready to share whatever information he has regarding this case. Dinesh Aroda has also filed an application to waive the charges against him.