Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2021: A golden opportunity has come for the youth who want to work in the High Court. Recruitment is out for 94 posts of Law Clerk Trainee in Allahabad High Court. Notification has been issued for this and applications have also started.
education qualification
Those people can apply for this job who have three years law degree or they have done five years integrated law course. Students who are currently in LLB Final Year (Waiting for Final Result) can also apply. Click here to go to Allahabad High Court Jobs website.
Age Range
The age limit is from 21 to 26 years. Age will be calculated as on 01 July 2021.
Selection Process
- Selection will be on the basis of Screening Test and Interview.
- Screening test will be taken in September 2021.
- The date will be released soon.
how to apply
- Candidates have to apply offline only.
- Fill the application form, along with all the necessary documents, sealed in an envelope and send it by speed post to the Registrar General, High Court of Juridicature at Allahabad.
- A postage stamp of Rs 40 must be affixed on the envelope of the application form. Your application form should reach the given address before 28 August 2021.
- A bank draft of Rs 300 should also be attached with the application form.
- The draft should be made in the favor of Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad.