EPFO board meeting may be held on November 16, discussion on investment in InvITs possible

Employee Provident Fund Organisation: The meeting of the EPFO Board (EPFO) can be held on 16 November. It is believed that in this meeting, a part of EPFO’s annual deposit can be approved to be invested in Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs). If this proposal is agreed, then investment in InvITs infrastructure can get a boost. So a new medium of investment will be included in the investment basket of EPFO. At present, EPFO invests in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Government Securities and Bonds.
EPFO meeting being held after 8 months
The meeting of the Central Board of Trustees of EPFO is going to be held on 16 November after about 8 months. In which apart from other issues, the proposal for investment in InvITs will also be discussed. Earlier this year itself, the EPFO board had approved investment in alternative investment funds. In fact, the deposit amount in EPFO is continuously increasing, due to which the need for a new avenue of investment was felt. A proposal to invest in InvITs can be considered keeping in mind the investment in infrastructure-linked long-term funds.
15000-16000 crores deposited every month in EPFO
Every month about Rs 15000-16000 crore is being deposited in EPFO. It is believed that in 2021-22, the deposits of EPFO can increase between Rs 1.8 lakh crore to Rs 1.9 lakh crore. Out of this, 15 percent amount is invested in Equity and the remaining amount is invested in Debt Instrument. Considering the increase in deposits, EPFO has a great opportunity to expand its investment basket. This is the reason that in the meeting of the Central Board to be held on November 16, EPFO money can be considered in InvITs.
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