The world’s richest person, Elon Musk, recently made the social media site Twitter his name. However, Elon Musk had to sell his Tesla shares to acquire Twitter. Musk had information about this to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday. The Tesla CEO also admitted that he has no intention of selling any more shares of the company. He sold most of the shares when the company’s shares had lost 12 percent on Tuesday.
The deal to buy Twitter at 54.20 per share was announced earlier this week, which could be finalized sometime this year. But shareholders will have to go through intense scrutiny and scrutiny before the deal is completed. Similarly, the US and the countries where Twitter does business will have regulators. However, there are still some obstacles to be expected. Objections are being raised from some Twitter employees and those users. Who has expressed concern over Elon Musk’s speech-free stance. There is an apprehension that harassment and use of hate speech may increase on the platform (Twitter). Tesla shares closed slightly lower on Thursday at 87,877.51, its biggest drop of the year, or 17 percent.
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