
Elon Musk can sell shares worth $ 2100 million, polled public on Twitter and seeks opinion

Tesla CEO Elon Musk: Tesla’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Elon Musk has sought public opinion on Twitter to sell his ten percent stake in the company, amid increasing pressure to pay more taxes on billionaires in the US. Musk, CEO of electric vehicle maker Tesla, currently has a value of about $300 billion in shares.

opinion sought on twitter
Some Democrats believe that billionaires should pay taxes for the shares they hold if the stock price rises. In this regard, Musk asked in a ‘poll’ on Twitter on Saturday, “Profit on paper is being called a means of tax avoidance. That’s why I am planning to sell my ten percent shares in Tesla. Do you support it?”

56.6 percent people supported
By the time the news was made on this poll of Musk (voting for opinion), 27,16,501 people had cast their vote. Out of this, 56.6 percent people supported selling the shares.

Most of the assets are in the form of shares
He said that he would abide by its consequences. No matter what the results. It is noteworthy that Musk, one of the world’s richest people, has most of the assets in the form of shares in the Tesla company.

How much is the share price?
Let us tell you that according to the calculations of Reuters, Musk’s shareholding in Tesla stood at 17.05 crores as of June 30. So in such a situation, if he sells 10 percent of the shares, then it is worth about $ 21 billion. Analysts say that they will have to withdraw a large number of shares to pay the tax. There are a large number of options in these, which are expiring next year.

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