Dengue havoc in UP, parole limit of 27 prisoners of Jalaun jail increased. 1 News Track English
Jalaun : The effect of increasing dengue havoc in Uttar Pradesh is being seen on the jail inmates. In view of the increasing outbreak of dengue and malaria in the district, the parole limit of 27 prisoners released on parole during the second wave of corona from Orai jail was increased. In fact, the effect of dengue is being seen in the entire state, due to which the time limit of prisoners released on parole from Orai district jail has been extended. The parole limit of a prison inmate has been increased to 60 days and for some to 90 days, so that there is no danger from them when they come back to jail.
Jail prisoners were positive from Corona
In the first and second wave of Corona, the jail was also not untouched by the infection. Half of the prisoners and staff here were hit by corona infection. Because of this, the prisoners here are brought to the big jail only after 14 days of quarantine in the child jail. In the first wave of Corona, 42 prisoners were released on parole on the instructions of the government from Orai Jail.
27 prisoners were released in the second wave
In the second wave of Corona, 27 prisoners of the jail had to be released on parole. At the same time, the parole period of prisoners has been extended from 60 to 90 days amid the increasing threat of dengue and malaria. The parole of some prisoners has been extended by 60 days, while for some it has been extended by 90 days, so that dengue or malaria do not dominate the jail on their return. The government is taking all possible measures to stop the spread of the disease.