
Coronavirus: Corona will never end in India! Protect yourself with these measures. 1 News Track English

Coronavirus: The third wave of Coronavirus may soon knock in the country. Scientists say that by the month of October, the third wave will enter. Meanwhile, now Kerala is witnessing a boom in new cases of Kovid-19, due to which the government has become alert. Amidst the increasing cases of infection, it is being said that the havoc of Corona in India is not going to end so soon. The World Health Organization has also expressed concern about this and warned the country.

World Health Organization’s Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan has told that the corona virus is entering the endemic phase in India. That is, now people have to learn to live with this virus. It is clear from the words of Dr Swaminathan that the virus can exist in India for a long time and people will have to learn to live with it. In such a situation, it is now very important that people take precautions and follow the necessary rules to protect themselves from the virus. So let’s know the ways to avoid corona-

How to Avoid Coronavirus (Coronavirus Se Kaise Bache)

Vaccination (Photo- Newstrack)

Vaccine is very important

On behalf of the government, doctors and scientists, people are constantly being appealed to get the corona vaccine. Vaccine is being considered as a big weapon against Corona. There have been many cases where people have been infected even after the vaccine, but it is certain that you will not become seriously ill after getting the vaccine. So do get vaccinated.

Double masking (concept photo credits – social media)

don’t forget to wear a mask

The most important thing is a mask, before going out anywhere, definitely apply a mask. Even if you have got the Kovid-19 vaccine, but you must wear a mask before leaving the house. The N-95 mask is considered the best. If there is no N-95 mask, then you can also apply double masking i.e. two masks. Keep in mind that both your mouth and nose should be well covered with the mask.

Social Distancing (Photo Credits – Social Media)

Take care of social distancing

Social distancing is also being considered as the most important measure to avoid corona. In such a situation, along with wearing a mask, keep a safe physical distance, so that you can avoid getting infected.

(symbolic photo credit – social media)

Cleanliness is also necessary

Since the entry of Corona, it is being said that cleanliness is very important to prevent the virus. It is very important to wash hands frequently, sanitize hands, take care of yourself, clothes and cleanliness of the house.

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