Coronavirus: 30,800 cases found in the country in the last 24 hours, the mutation in the delta variant raised concern. 1 News Track English

Coronavirus: The war against the Coronavirus pandemic continues in the country. Meanwhile, 30,800 new corona cases have been registered in the last 24 hours. Kerala has received the maximum number of cases during this period. In Kerala, about 19 thousand 653 new cases have been registered in a day. However, during this period the number of infected patients in the state has come down significantly.
At the same time, there has also been a significant decline in the weekly cases of corona across the country, which is a relief news. According to the data, there has been a decline of about 15 percent in the weekly cases of Kovid-19. At the same time, 296 people have lost their lives in 24 hours, while 43, 219 people have also defeated Corona. Let us tell you that in terms of active corona cases in the world, India is now at 8th place with 3,12,119 cases. Whereas with 3,34,77,819 cases it is second in total cases.
(Photo Credits – Newstrack)
25 mutations in the delta variant
Meanwhile, a worrying thing has also come to the fore and that is that now the risk of third wave of corona has increased in India. Although it was said earlier that if the variant of the corona does not mutate i.e. does not change its form, then there is less chance of a third wave in India, but this risk has increased after the corona variant called Delta-4. Actually, the cases of this variant are increasing rapidly in India, for which an alert has also been issued by the scientists.
A report has been submitted by the scientists to the central government, according to which, after the second wave, mutants have been seen continuously in the corona variant. Mutations in Kovid-19 variants are happening not only in India but also in many countries including America, Europe. Due to which more changes have been feared in the virus. The report said that in India alone, 25 mutations have occurred in the delta variant so far and infected patients have been found.
WHO placed in worrying category
It has been clearly told in the report that delta and other delta-related mutations are constantly happening in India, due to which the worrying situation of corona in the country can also come to the fore. According to scientists, currently Delta 4 ie (AY.4) is being seen in most of the samples. It has been reported that mutations have occurred 25 times in Delta so far, but the fastest of these seems to be a mutation called Delta-4. The same mutation is responsible for new cases in Maharashtra and Kerala as well. Scientists have warned that these mutations happening in the delta may play a big role in the upcoming wave of corona. At the same time, the WHO has also placed the Delta-4 variant in the worrying category.
Vaccination (Photo- Newstrack)
India is progressing fast in terms of vaccination
In view of the ever-increasing cases of corona, the pace of vaccination in India is being increased further. As a result of which more than 600 million adults in the country have received the first dose, while a quarter of them have taken both the doses. It is being told that now only 34 crore people are yet to be administered the first dose of the vaccine. In fact, the total population of people who are 18 years or above in the country is 94 crores. At the same time, the central government aims to give at least one dose of corona vaccine to the population of people above 18 years of age by the end of this year.
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