Corona Virus Booster Dose: Now the fifth booster dose of Corona is being applied. 1 News Track English

kaCorona Booster Dose: Right now there is talk of the third-fourth dose of Corona Vaccine, while Turkey has started applying the fifth booster dose to protect against the virus. Turkey’s health ministry has made available a fifth dose of a booster for a specific group of people. People who have received two doses of Sinovac made in China and two doses of Pfizer-BioNtech at least three months ago will be able to get the fifth dose. This dose will be given as a booster to Sinovac, BioNtech or Turkovac vaccine made in Turkey. Turkovac vaccine made from inactivated virus has been developed in Turkey. After getting approval for emergency use, this vaccine is being administered to the people from 31 December.
What is Booster Dose (C)oronavirus Booster Dose Kya Hai)
Over time the antibodies made by the vaccine decrease in the body. Because of this, many countries are giving booster doses of vaccine to the people. It is believed that antibodies remain in the body for 9 months to 1 year after taking the vaccine and after that it starts decreasing. That is, to maintain the antibody level in the body, you have to take a booster dose.
Photo of booster dose of corona virus (Photo: Social Media)
More than 35 countries around the world are giving booster doses to their citizens. Keeping in mind the comorbidities and different factors in different countries, people are being given booster doses of corona vaccine.
Israel was the first country to start giving booster doses. Israel has been administering booster doses of the vaccine to its citizens since July. In August, only people above 65 years of age were being given the third dose of the vaccine, but at present, people over the age of 12 are being given a booster dose.
WHO’s stand on booster dose has been opposite to countries. In November, the WHO chief said that the booster dose was a hoax and should stop. Countries which are giving booster doses to people, instead donate the vaccine to poor countries.