
Corona Vaccine: Antibodies getting weaker, need to give booster of corona vaccine in India. 1 News Track English

Corona Vaccine: Vaccine is the biggest weapon in the war against Coronavirus. But now the edge of this weapon is decreasing. In a research conducted on Covishield and Covaxin in India, it has been found that the antibodies produced by these vaccines start decreasing within a few months. In this situation, the need for Corona Vaccine Booster Dose is being felt for people to keep getting the shield of the vaccine (Covid-19 Vaccine).

The Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) Research Center in Bhubaneswar and other government institutions conducted a study on some health workers and wanted to know how many days after receiving the full dose of the vaccine, antibodies to the corona persist. It has been found in the study that the antibodies in these health workers decreased significantly after some time.

Actually, antibodies are not able to persist for a very long time after the vaccine. This is what has come out in research done in America, Britain, Israel and many other countries. That is why now in many countries the third dose (Covid-19 Vaccine Third Dose) has also started. In Israel, now the fourth dose is being talked about. In the US, the work of giving the third dose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is going on since August 13.

Corona Vaccine (Photo Credits – Social Media)

Booster dose being given earlier to those with weak immunity

At present, booster doses are being given to only those people whose immunity is weak due to some disease or other reason. For example AIDS-HIV victims, cancer patients, organ transplant people etc. Since the immunity in such people is not stable at one level, the risk of getting any infection is very high.

After giving booster dose to such people, third dose will be given to other people also. But only those countries are able to do this work, which have given corona vaccine to their large population. Poor and developing countries have not yet received the first dose, so the task of giving the third dose is far-fetched.

What is the situation in India?

Research was done on 614 people in India, in which 50.2 percent people got Kovidshield while 49.8 percent people got Covaxin. Research came out that after 2 to 4 months of taking full doses of both vaccines, the level of antibodies went down significantly. Researchers say that this was a limited study, so a comprehensive study is needed to reach a definite conclusion.

Researchers have definitely said that people who have weak immunity or who are at risk of becoming seriously ill should be given a booster dose 6 to 12 months after the second dose. Coronavirus Vaccine started in India from January 16, 2021. That is, now people in the at-risk category should start getting the booster dose. It is possible that a decision in this regard will be taken soon.

Vaccination (Photo Credits – Social Media)

Don’t know how long the antibody will last

Corona vaccine is being applied all over the world, but so far scientists do not know for sure how long the vaccines can provide protection to people. Scientists say that the corona virus is constantly changing its form, so there is always a possibility that the antibodies will lose their potency after some interval.

In this case, the example of Israel is given, where after a large population was vaccinated, there was a wave of infection again. Research done on people who had received both doses of the vaccine showed that Pfizer’s vaccine was 91 percent effective for 6 months. The effect of this vaccine decreased by 6 percent every two months. There is now an outbreak of the fourth wave of corona infection in Israel. Of those who are getting infected, 97 percent are falling prey to the Delta vVariant. In such a situation, it is believed that the vaccine is becoming ineffective against the delta variant.

Vaccine (Photo: Newstrack)

Third dose of vaccine being administered in Israel

People in Israel have started receiving the third dose. The Health Minister of the country has approved the third dose for all people above the age of 12 years. The third dose will be administered at least 5 months after the second dose. But Israel’s top Kovid expert Salman Zarka has said that Israel should be ready to roll out the fourth dose of the corona vaccine. He said that the virus is still present among us. Will be present in future, so we have to prepare for the fourth injection. He said that some changes will have to be made in the vaccine for the fourth dose so that it can attack the virus better.

Meanwhile, the work of applying the third dose has also been started in Greece. In the first phase, the third dose will be given to those people who have immunity problems. After this, the third dose will be given to all people above 60 years of age and those admitted in nursing homes. In Britain too, those with weak immunity will be given the third dose of the vaccine.

According to Public Health England, the decision to give the third dose was made on the basis of data showing that 40 percent of people with immunity problems show very low antibody levels even after two doses of the corona vaccine. Officials say that the vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna will be used as the third dose, while the decision about the vaccine of Astra Zeneca will be taken later.

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