
China Uighur Report: One in 25 people in Uyghur County of China is in jail.

Beijing | China Uighur Report : China, a good friend of Pakistan, is infamous all over the world for taking brutal action against Muslims in its country. In such a situation, this thing is being proved once again by the latest report. One in 25 people in a county in China’s Muslim-majority Uyghur region has been sentenced to prison for terrorism-related charges. This is the highest rate of people being sentenced to prison in any part of the world. Leaked data from the Associated Press names more than 10,000 Uighurs jailed in Konasheher County alone. It is one of dozens of counties in southern Xinjiang province. Let us tell you that in recent years, China has taken brutal crackdown on Muslim minorities, which it describes as a war on terrorism.

The camps were closed in 2019…

China Uighur Report : The Chinese announced the closure of short-term, extra-judicial detention camps in 2019 due to mounting international pressure. Where Uighurs were held captive without charge. However, experts say thousands of Uighurs are still behind bars on false charges of terrorism. Rojikari Tohati, a Uighur farmer, is known to be very soft-spoken and a loving family member.

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Chinese officials have been denying the allegations

China Uighur Report : More than 2,67,000 people live in Conashehar County. Most of the people on the list were arrested in 2017 and have been sentenced to long terms. Experts said that this clearly shows that people have been targeted for being Uighurs. However, Chinese officials have been denying this. Xinjiang spokesman Ilijan Anayat said the Uighurs were sentenced according to the law.

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