Life Style

Eternal, immortal, immortal soul

The question arises, then what is death? Death is the culmination of the union of body and soul (perishable and imperishable). The breaking or formation of coincidence happens for some purpose. If the object by which the body and the soul had met, If it is not being fulfilled or that coincidence is destroying the religion, then there is no harm in breaking it, There will be profit.

According to the Vedas, Upanishads, Darshana etc., the body is separate from the body. The one who enjoys it is sitting in a beautiful aged body. The soul body keeps on changing. Happiness and sorrow are received by the body, but that which is always there, does not perish with the body, it is separate from this body. When a child attains youth and old age, his soul does not change. The soul is eternal, ajar means immortal. In the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna has given inspiration to Arjuna to fight, saying that the soul, which does the work sitting in everyone, it was never, is and never will be, it is like this. Because of this, there is no need to grieve for someone’s death or life. The reason is that the one who is doing karma does not die or is born at all. According to Vedic theory-

Asya Vamsya Palitsya Hotustasya Bhrata Madhyamo Astyashnah. 1-164-1

That is, between this handsome old man and the one who performs yagya, there is a brother who enjoys it.

It means that this body (man) is beautiful, getting old and performing yagyakarma. The enjoyer within the body is separate from the body. He has always been. It is not that he never was or that he never will be. He is immortal and immortal in all human beings.

It is noteworthy that Sat (Sat) has been said to those substances, which are eternal and Ajar (immortal). Asat (Asat) is said to be those who do not and have not always lived in the form in which they appear. For example, there is a wooden chair. This is false. The chair can be broken into pieces of wood, or it can be torn apart to make a post. Hence the chair is false. The post or the pieces of wood can also be torn. Wood can be burnt to ashes by burning it in a fire. Hence the pieces of wood are also false. When wood is burnt, it turns into carbon dioxide. For this reason the wood is also false. When electric waves are passed through water, water turns into two types of air – oxygen and hydrogen. Similarly, carbon dioxide is also converted into carbon and oxide. This means that water and carbon dioxide are also discrete. Carbon has very small particles, which are called circles. Which in today’s Anglo scientific language is called Atom. Similarly, oxygen also has circles. These circles are actually carbon and oxygen. The reason is that there are qualities from them, but these circles also get fragmented. All types of circles are divided into three types of particles i.e. particles. They are called vakarika ego (protons), taijas ego (electrons) and bhutadi ahamana (neutrons).

Thus the circle is also false. These particles can also break down, and then break up to become atoms. In the Sankhya philosophy, the atoms are said to be in equilibrium. This is called nature.

Its form is clearly described in the Sankhya philosophy. Therefore, particles like electrons etc. are also discrete. But nuclear fission cannot happen. Because of this, atoms are pure. The study of Vedic literature confirms the fact that the atoms of matter are real, they cannot be destroyed. His form is fixed. Even when they are alone, and even when they together form the different substances of the ego-sphere and the world, they (their form-sign) do not change. They combine in different types in different types of circles in different ways to form all the substances of the world.

In Shlok 17 of Adhyay 2 of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, it is said while describing the non-destructive and imperishable i.e. Asat –

Indestructible tu tadvidvi yen sarvamidam tatam.

Vinashamvyayasya not kaschitkartumarhati. ,

-Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 17

That is, know that which is perishable, who is present in all this world. No one is capable of destroying this imperishable one.

‘Idam sarvamidam tatam’ means all this world.

This atomic form is prevalent in the whole world of nature. This is true. That is why it is called imperishable. No one can destroy this imperishable (atomic form nature). It is said in Chandogyopanishad 6-2-1 –

Sadev Somyedamagra Asadekamevadvitiyam. Tarddhak ahursdevedmagra asidekmevadiyamatasmadsatha sajjayat.

-Chandogyopanishad 6-2-1

Of course – O gentle! In the beginning it was the only surface. It has also been said about him that in the beginning he was the only unreal. All originated from that reality.

The Chandogyopanishadkar says that Sat to Asat and Asat to Sat are said to be like this. Who is first and who is after, nothing can be said. From the world to the atom and from the atom to the world again, this sequence has been going on since time immemorial.

Coincidence-disconnection goes on one after the other, but what is special is that the atoms of any one substance, after the breakdown of that substance, will meet again in the same way, cannot be said. The substances thus formed are unreal. Some commentators of the Gita consider the meaning of ‘Idam sarvamidam tatam’ in the above mantra to be all this world, but the meaning of tadvidvi is used by God. According to Vedic scholars it is impure, because nature is being described here, not God. And the realm of the soul is this body. not out of the body. It is clear to this that two forms of Sat-Asat Prakriti are being described here. That which is true is everywhere. It is that form of nature which is eternal i.e. atomic form. In the next verse, i.e. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 2, Shlok 18, the body of human beings or creatures is said to be perishable i.e. non-existent and the soul who resides in the body is called eternal –

Ultimately Ime deha nityasyoktaah sharinah.

Anashino-pramayasya tasmadyudyasva India. ,

-Srimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 18

That is, these bodies of the unmatchable and eternal body (Jivatma) are said to be destroyed.

The meaning is that the body which is there is unreal. The form of the body is destroyed. Its form which is of original nature, does not get destroyed. He remains forever. That’s why O India! Make a war Describing Sat and Asat, Shri Krishna has told Arjuna in chapter two of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in the war of Mahabharata that if the body is going to perish because it is not eternal, then there will be no harm by its destruction because it will never be destroyed. It will be destroyed at some point, yes, the soul is eternal, it does not die. The question arises, then what is death? Death is the culmination of the union of body and soul (perishable and imperishable). The breaking or formation of coincidence happens for some purpose. If the purpose with which the body and the soul were united is not being fulfilled or if that union is destroying Dharma, then there will be no harm in its breaking, but there will be profit.

Arti Raturi

Arti Raturi is a Senior Journalist at
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