child protection and procreation

According to the mythological texts, it is believed in relation to this fast, which is done for the purpose of getting children and protecting them, that due to the effect of fasting on the child Saptami, all the sorrows of the children, Problems are solved. This fast women wish to get a son or all the sorrows of children, for the purpose of troubleshooting. For the sense of safety of the child, women observe this fast with complete rituals.
September 2 – Children Saptami fasting
The mythological practice of fasting for children on the seventh day of Bhadra Shukla Paksha for the attainment of children, protection of children and the progress of children is prevalent in India since ancient times, in which the long life of the child and the safety chakra thread of penance power i.e. Kalava. Through the medium his protection is prayed to Lord Shiva-Parvati. According to mythological texts, in relation to this fast, which is done for the purpose of getting children and protecting them, it is believed that due to the effect of fasting on the child Saptami, all the troubles and troubles of the child are redressed. Women observe this fast for the purpose of getting a son or for the purpose of getting rid of all the sorrows and troubles of the child. Women observe this fast for the safety of their children with full legal and legal requirements. This fast is observed by both men and women, that is, for the happiness of their children.
Celebrated on the Saptami day of the Shukla Paksha of Bhado month, this festival of Santana Saptami Vrat will be celebrated this year on 2nd September 2022, the day Friday. Bhadrapada Shukla Saptami will start on 02 September 2022 at 01:51 PM and will end on 03 September 2022 at 12:28 AM and after that Shukla Paksha Ashtami will start. Therefore, the fast of Santan Saptami will be celebrated on 2 September. In the Santana Saptami fast, there is a law to worship Lord Vishnu-Lakshmi, Lord Shankar and Mata Gauri. According to the cosmic and mythological belief, Devaki and Vasudev had first observed a child Saptami fast at the behest of sage Lomash to protect their children from Kansa in the Dwapar era. It is also called Lalita Saptami due to this fast falling one day after Lalita Shashthi and one day before Radha Ashtami. It is noteworthy that due to being one of the eight main friends of Radha ji, Goddess Lalita Shri Radharani and the most beloved friend of Lord Krishna, this day has been dedicated to her.
On being asked by Yudhishthira in the context of the child Saptami fast and its glory, Shri Krishna said that the importance of observing this fast was told by the sage Lomesh to his parents i.e. Devaki Vasudev. Mata Devaki’s sons were killed by Kansa, due to which the life of Devaki-Vasudeva was burdened with child mourning, to emerge from which they were told to observe the fast of Santana Saptami. Rishi Lomesh had also narrated a story in the context of this fast to Devaki-Vasudeva. According to the legend, the name of the wife of King Nahush of the ancient city of Ayodhya was Chandra Mukhi. Chandra Mukhi had a friend named Roopmati, who was the wife of a Brahmin of the city. There was a lot of love between both the sisters. Once both of them went to take a bath on the banks of river Saryu, there many women had come to observe the fast of the child Saptami and were involved in their rituals related to that. Hearing the story of the fast told by them, both of these friends also decided to observe this fast for the sake of having a son at that time, but after coming home, both of them forgot this thing. After some time both of them died and both were born in animal vagina.
After many births, both of them were again born in the human vagina, in this birth the name of Chandravati was Ishwari and the name of Roopmati was Bhushan. Ishwari was again the wife of the king and Bhushana the wife of the brahmin, and in this birth also both of them were very much in love. In this new birth, Bhushana remembered the story of the previous birth, so she fasted for the child Saptami, due to which she got eight sons, but Ishwari did not observe this fast, so she did not have any child. Because of this he was jealous of Bhushan’s child happiness. He tried to kill Bhushana’s sons in many ways, but his sons were not harmed due to the effect of Bhushana’s fast. After getting tired, Ishwari told Bhushana about her jealousy and her act and also asked for forgiveness with folded hands. Then Bhushana reminded him about the previous birth and advised to observe the fast of the child Saptami. Ishwari fasted on Saptami with complete rituals and she was blessed with a beautiful son Ratna. According to the cosmic belief, due to this mythological significance of fasting of the child Saptami, all human beings observe this fast for the purpose of getting sons and their protection. If the husband and wife listen to the story of Santana Saptami Vrat together, it is considered more effective.
Method of fasting of children of Saptami in mythological texts – There are also descriptions on the legislation and the method of worship. On the Saptami day of Bhadrapada Shukla Paksha, after waking up early in the morning, taking a bath, parents start this fast by taking a resolution for getting children or for their bright future. It is considered best to complete the worship of this fast by noon. Vishnu, Shiva and Parvati are worshiped after taking bath in the morning, wearing clean clothes. In the afternoon, after making a square and placing the idol of Lord Shiva Parvati on it, the idol is bathed and sandal paste is applied. Offering Akshat, Shri Phal i.e. coconut, betel nut and lighting a lamp, it is offered as bhog. Taking a pledge to protect the child, a string is tied to Lord Shiva. After that this string is tied around the wrist of his child. On this day, offerings of Kheer, Puri are offered in the bhog. Keeping a Tulsi leaf in the bhog, it is rotated thrice with water and placed in front of the Lord. Aarti is performed with family members. Keeping the head in front of God, it is said that his mind’s wish is from him.
Later that bhog is distributed in the form of prasad to all the family members and the neighborhood. Very auspicious and very important, on this day, after staying fast from morning till noon, sweet malpuas and other delicious confectionary food should be offered as naivedya and worshiped. After fasting fast, in the afternoon, worship of Shiva-Parvati should be done again with sandalwood, akshat, incense, lamp, naived, betel nut and coconut etc. During the fast of Saptami Tithi, pudding of kheer-puri and jaggery is made in the form of naived. Wishing to protect the child, Kalava is offered to Lord Bholenath in the name of the members of the household and later it is tied in the hands of himself and the family members by rotating it seven times while reciting the following Yajurveda mantra –
Vraten Dikshamapnoti Dikshayapnoti Dakshinam.
Dakshina Shraddhamapnoti Shraddhaya Satyamapyate.
After that, for the long life of the son, it is customary to chant three garlands of Gayatri mantra and three garlands of Mahamrityunjaya mantra and one rosary of Lord Krishna’s mantra for a total of seven rosaries. Deep yajna should be done by lighting seven ghee lamps. Three Gayatri Mantras, three Mahamrityunjaya Mantras, and one offering should be made to Lord Krishna in the Deep Yagya.