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Blackheads Hatane ke Upay: If you want to get rid of blackheads, then definitely follow these tips. 1 News Track English

Blackheads Hatane ke Upay: If you want to get rid of blackheads, then definitely follow these tips.  1 News Track English

Blackheads Hatane ke Upay: What do girls do to look beautiful? But sometimes some things like pimples, blackheads stain their beauty. Girls try many ways to bring glow on their face. But blackheads are such a problem that once they occur, they do not go away easily. Blackheads are often caused by wrong eating habits, dust, or dirt.

Blackheads can occur anywhere on our face. But it is mostly on the nose. Due to which our beauty is lost somewhere. If you are also troubled by the problem of blackheads, then today we tell you some home remedies (blackheads hatane ke gharelu upay). Which you can eliminate the blackheads of your face by yourself.

Use lemon to remove blackheads (Blackheads Hatane me nimbu ka kare istemal)

You can use lemon to remove blackheads. Cut the lemon into two parts, then take one part of it and rub it on your face for 9-10 minutes. By doing this you can get rid of black heads soon.

Make a pack of lemon, glycerin and tea leaves (Blackheads Hatane me nimbu, glycerin aur chai patti ka bnaye pack)

Use Lemon, Glycerin and PC Tea Leaves to Remove Blackheads (Concept Photo – Social Media)

You can also use lemon, glycerin and powdered tea leaves to get rid of blackheads. Make a pack by mixing these three. After this, massage the place of blackheads with light hands for 4-5 minutes. After that wash the face.

Apply Cinnamon and Lemon Pack (Blackheads Hatane me dalchini aur nimbu ke lagaye pack)

You can also use lemon and lentil sugar packs to remove blackheads. Make cinnamon powder and mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice in it. After that you apply it on your face. After this let it (dry) for 15 minutes then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Make a paste of honey and sugar to remove blackheads

Apply honey and sugar paste on blackheads (Concept Photo – Social Media)

If you have a problem of blackheads, then prepare a paste of honey and sugar. After the paste is ready, apply it on your face then leave it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes you wash your face.

Apply salt and lemon to remove blackheads (Blackheads Hatane me namak aur nimbu lagaye)

Mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice with salt and apply it on your face (Concept Photo – Social Media)

Salt is considered very beneficial to remove the problem of blackheads. Mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice in salt and apply it on your face. Then wash your face after sometime. By doing this 2-3 times a week, you can get rid of black heads soon.


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