
Bharat Home Defense Policy, along with the house, household items are also covered in this policy

Home Insurance: Bharat Grih Raksha is a standard home insurance policy. While it covers the structure of the house, on the other hand it also covers the items inside the house. This policy has been launched by the insurance regulator IRDA. You can buy this policy if you are a landlord or tenant and are using the building for residential purpose.

As far as the structure of the house is concerned, this policy also covers verandah, parking space, water tank, garage, outhouse, permanent fittings in addition to the building in the house structure. Common items inside the house are covered up to 20% of the sum insured of the building of the house. Its maximum limit is up to 10 lakh rupees. Think of it like this, if you have insured the building of the house for 40 lakhs, then household items up to Rs 8 lakh will be covered under the policy.

Auto-escalation feature
The policy can be purchased for 10 years. Auto-escalation facility is also available in this policy. It increases at the rate of 10% per annum up to a maximum of 100% of the initial sum assured. Think of it as if the initial sum insured is 20 lakhs, then it will increase to Rs 22 lakhs after the first year, Rs 24 lakhs in the second year and that too without additional premium.

Will get cover for these events
Eruption, earthquake, volcanic eruption or major natural disaster, landslide, rock slide, lightning, hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, flood and flood damage, riot, strike, sabotage, bush fire, forest Fire, Missile Testing Operation, Terrorist Incident, Leakage of Automatic Spraying Units, Bursting or Overflowing of Water Tanks, Equipment and Pipes, Theft.

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