Have you ever received a free laptop message, delete it immediately

Cyber Fraud Alert : Everyone wants to get free things. Whenever we see a message that talks about freebies, we want to know as much as possible about it. Many times such a free affair traps us in the web of thugs. We ourselves get caught in their clutches by clicking on the link sent by them to know more about the offer. One such message is going viral these days, due to which many people are falling in the trap. This message is about getting a laptop for free from the central government. If you have also received this kind of message, then you need to be careful. Let us know what is the whole matter and how to avoid it.
People are getting this message
These days, a large number of people are getting a message on WhatsApp, in which it is written that under the Prime Minister’s Laptop Distribution Scheme, it is written about getting a laptop for free. A link is being given at the end of the message, asking to click on it to apply for the laptop.
what is the truth
No such scheme is being run by the central government, under which there is talk of giving laptops for free. Thugs are sending such messages to mislead people. By clicking on the link, your phone can be hacked and it can also be misused. PIBFactCheck is also making people aware by sending a message in this regard. PIBFactCheck has called this message fake. Appealing to the people, he has said that do not forward or share such messages. Do not even click on the links given on such messages. Even if you click by mistake, then do not share your personal and bank related information.
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