Bahraich News: 11 found corona positive in the district, the number of infected was 49 | 1 News Track English

Corona Case In Bahraich: In the district on Saturday, the corona of 2021 people was examined by the health team. In these, 11 people including women have come positive. At the same time, the total number of infected people in the district has gone up to 49 (Total Corona Case In Bahraich). In view of the increasing cases of corona infection in the district, an appeal is being made from the health department to the people to follow the covid protocol. The medical officer said that all the people have been home isolated. Monitoring is being done by the health team.
The graph of corona infection in the district is increasing day by day. The number of infected is increasing day by day. On Saturday, 2021 people were tested for corona across the district by the health team. These included antigen, RTPCR and two-notch tests.
49 the number of infected
Chief Medical Officer Dr Satish Singh said that 11 people, including a woman, have come positive in the report on Saturday. Everyone has been home isolated. The CMO said that medicines are being given by the health team to the home-isolated infected. At the same time, Chief Medical Officer Dr Satish Kumar Singh said that the total number of infected people in the district has reached 49.
Ongoing investigation at all CHCs
Health Information and Education Officer Brijesh Singh said that apart from the district hospital, free testing of corona is being done at all 14 CHCs. In such a situation, people must get tested if there is fever, cold and weakness in the body.
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