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Armistice: Supermarkets, Department stores, businesses open and closed on November 11

Armistice: Supermarkets, Department stores, businesses open and closed on November 11

For a shopping trip or to do your shopping on November 11, you will have to remember to check the opening hours of the various establishments in Toulouse. The writing takes stock.

Which stores are open on Friday, November 11, 2022?

Supermarkets such as Monoprix, Carrefour, Auchan are exceptionally open throughout France. Attention, for Leclerc brands, the opening is done on a case-by-case basis depending on the city (find out beforehand on the site of the nearby brand). In Paris, Lille, Lyon or Marseille, some department stores and Parisian shopping centers will be in operation. Here is all the information in detail below:

Shops open



Shops closed

Which department stores are open in Paris on Friday November 11, 2022?

In Paris, beyond the stores, many shopping centers and department stores will be open on Friday November 11, 2022. Details below: 

Which shops are open in Lyon on Friday November 11, 2022?

Which shopping centers are open in Lille for the Armistice?

Here is the list of the main stores open in Lille, Friday November 11:

Which stores are open in Marseille on Friday November 11?

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