Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Generation) is reportedly going to launch with a long list of features like heart rate detection, hearing aid function, and a USB Type-C port. The report, based on information received, has also shared the renders of the rumored earphones from Apple. As per the new renders and an earlier report, the Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Generation) can come with a design similar to its predecessor. It also shows a stem that is similar to the previous generation AirPods Pro, contrary to the previous claims of a stemless design.
According to a report from 52Audio, the AirPods Pro (2nd Generation) are going to feature a H1 SoC that supports self-adaptive active noise cancellation and an improved Find My function. The new earphones from Apple can feature heart rate detection and a USB Type-C port for fast charging and better compatibility. The earphones are also expected to come with hearing aid functionality. This feature can allow wearer with hearing problems use their earphones like a hearing aid.
The report added that heart rate detection on the AirPods Pro (2nd Generation) will collect and analyze the wearer’s inner-ear data to monitor body temperature along with the heart rate monitoring. The earphones are said to feature similar acoustic characteristics like that of AirPods (3rd Generation) that will support self-adaptive equalization, spatial audio for dynamic head tracking, and audio sharing.
The renders shared by the publication show that the charging case of the earphones will feature a USB Type-C port that has multiple opening on both its sides. The two larger openings on the right side can be seen protected by a metal piece. The charging case is expected to come with a speaker at the bottom that can play a sound itself and will work with the Find My application.
An earlier report had also claimed that the rumored Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Generation) True Wireless Stereo earphones will feature a design similar to its predecessor, AirPods Pro. Shunning previous claims of a stemless design, the report added that the next generation AirPods Pro will feature a stem, following the footsteps of AirPods Pro. The report also said that Apple has decided to skip the dual optical detect sensors on the rumored earphones.