Serial killing now in ‘Delhi Crime’

In the protest against the release of the culprits of the Bilkis Bano gang rape in Gujarat, the question also arose that the country on a large scale on the incident that happened with a Delhi girl Jyoti (whom the media had named Nirbhaya) a few years ago. Anger was visible throughout, why is it not happening now. But why only this incident, the truth is that Nirbhaya-like protest is not happening in many cases.
On the day of that gruesome and horrific incident, Nirbhaya went out after watching a movie with her friend and while returning in the night, boarded a wrong bus from Munirka. From there, on the way to the Delhi airport, the bus driver, cleaner and some of his accomplices committed horrific abuse and assaulted the boy so that he would not protest. Then near Mahipalpur they threw bloodless and without clothes Nirbhaya and his fellow boy on the roadside. Later, the culprits of this case told the police that after sitting in the bus, the boy and girl started doing some such acts that even we could not stop ourselves from seeing it. Nirbhaya and his friend were sitting almost in the middle of the bus. The boy was threatened and asked to sit there, while Nirbhaya was taken to the back of the bus and violence and arbitrariness started with him.
There was tremendous media coverage of this incident. But I do not remember whether it was told in any part of the media or not, that while all this was happening in the bus, a call came on the boy’s mobile. At that time the boy was not in a condition to receive any calls. He did not even receive this call, which was from his girlfriend. This means that Nirbhaya was not his girlfriend. Was only friends.
This thing was told in a web series named ‘Delhi Crime’ which came on Netflix after years. Due to this many other very fine details of Nirbhaya case came to know. Through artists like Shefali Shah, Rasika Duggal, Rajesh Tailang, Jaideep Ahlawat, Adil Hussain, it also brought to the fore the problems that Delhi Police had to deal with and are probably still grappling with. Most of these actors are also in the second season of this web series and this time they have to deal with a serial killing in Delhi.