
These countries have suffered huge losses in two years due to Corona epidemic, this report will disturb you

Photo:FILE Corona


  • The fight against poverty lags two years due to the Kovid-19 pandemic
  • Living with less than Rs 152 is considered to be in a state of extreme poverty.
  • The poor and vulnerable have suffered the most from Kovid-19.

Since March 2020, the whole world is facing the horror, which has neither heard nor seen about it before. This epidemic forced the whole world to stop for the first time. Developed countries rose after this crisis, but the condition of developing and poor countries is dire. Many economies have gone bankrupt in the last two years.

In the South Pacific region where India is in, the economic condition is very bad. The Asia Pacific region has lagged behind by two years in its fight against extreme poverty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This has been said in a report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The report says that if the outbreak of the Kovid-19 pandemic had not occurred, the reduction in extreme poverty levels in the Asia Pacific region so far this year would have been achieved in 2020.

In this way, the fight against poverty in the region has lagged behind by two years due to the Kovid-19 pandemic, the report said. This report was released on Wednesday. People forced to live on less than $1.90 a day (about Rs 152) are considered to be in a state of extreme poverty. The latest ADB report said that the COVID-19 pandemic has set back the fight against poverty in Asia and the Pacific by at least two years.

The Manila-headquartered multilateral financing agency said it would be harder for many people living in the Asia Pacific region to come out of extreme poverty now than before. ADB said the pandemic has hindered poverty reduction efforts and progress remains uneven, despite improvements in various economies. The report said that the pandemic has further worsened the poverty situation. In particular, food insecurity, people’s access to health services and education are not adequate.

Albert Park, ADB’s chief economist, said, “The poor and vulnerable have been hit hardest by COVID-19. Now, as economies recover, many may find that getting out of poverty is more difficult than ever.” Efforts should be made to provide mobility.

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