People who have been hit by Kovid need to know about the changed rules of life insurance

New Life Insurance Rule: Coronavirus infection continues to spread in the country and many changes have taken place in the lives of people due to this. There is also Life Insurance in this episode, about which it is important for you to know. This new rule of life insurance companies can have a significant impact on people who have been hit by Kovid.
What is the new rule of life insurance companies
Those who have recently got infection of Kovid-19 and want to take life insurance for themselves, then they will have to wait for at least 3 months before taking the policy. In the changed circumstances, life insurance companies have reduced the waiting period for taking insurance to 3 months for such people who have been suffering from Kovid.
Why has the rule changed?
In fact, lakhs of people have died in the country in the last two years due to Kovid and a large number of death claims have come to life insurance companies. The expenses of the companies have also increased a lot due to this reason and for this reason they have now come up with the rule of waiting period of 3 months.
why only 3 months
People who have been affected by Kovid are expected to be completely free from the effects of infection after 3 months. Life insurance companies also wait till this time and those who want to take life insurance after Kovid also make them wait. After 3 months, life insurance companies provide insurance after taking into account the possibility of loss and after proper assessment of the apprehensions of danger.
Re-insurance companies have also implemented rules
Insurance companies also have themselves insured and those who provide insurance are called re-insurance companies. He has also asked life insurance companies to keep a waiting period of 3 months for people who have suffered Kovid.
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